The 58th Japan Sign Design Award Application Information *Applications are no longer being accepted.
Please be sure to download and read the Application Information.
Deadline for Application
Friday, May 31, 2024 24:00 JST
Annual schedule (currently reorganizing)
*The following is the initial schedule.
Eligibility for Application
Signs completed in the year from May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024.
Japan SDA Grand Prize – Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award (Provisional): 1 winner (Certificate and trophy)
SDA Award Gold Prize: 4 winners (Certificate and trophy)
SDA Award Silver Prize: 15 winners (Certificate and trophy)
SDA Award Bronze Prize: 30 winners (Certificate)
SDA Award Finalists: 100 winners (Certificate)
SDA Award Jury Selection: 7 winners (Certificate and trophy)
SDA Contribution Award – Chairman of Japan Institute of Design Promotion Award: maximum 2 winners (Certificate)
Number of the Grand Prize, Gold Prize, Silver Prize, Bronze Prize and selected entries will be determined by the final judging panel.